
Name Above All Names
READ: Philippians 2:5-11
You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. “Matthew 1:21”

If you knew for certain that you were going to lose your voice and that you would never be able to speak again, what would   you want your final words to be?
A man with throat cancer faced an operation that would save his life but not his voice. Just before surgery, he spent time   with his wife telling her of his love. He did the same with his daughter.
Then he asked his doctor to let him know precisely when the anesthetic would make him unconscious. As the man was slipping   off to sleep, he said distinctly, ‚ “Jesus! Jesus! ‚ That was the last word he chose to utter in this life ‚ ‚ “Jesus! ‚
How meaningful is the name of Jesus to us? Other names, like the names of those we love, are inexpressibly precious. But for   those of us who are redeemed by God ‚ grace, the name of Jesus is the most meaningful. And it is to our heavenly Father as   well. He ‚ “has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee   should bow, . . . and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father ‚ (Phil. 2:9 -11).
Throughout the rest of our lives and into eternity, let ‚ magnify that wonderful name ‚ Jesus. ‚ Vernon C Grounds
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Let all heaven and earth proclaim:
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away,
But there ‚ something about that name!   ‚ Gaither
© 1970 by William J. Gaither
The name of Jesus is precious to those who know Him and profane to those who spurn Him.

Bacaan Setahun : Yunus 1-4; Wahyu 10
Nats : Engkau akan menamakan Dia Yesus, karena Dialah yang akan menyelamatkan umat-Nya dari dosa-dosa mereka (Matius 1:21)  
Bacaan : Filipi 2:5-11
Apabila Anda tahu dengan pasti bahwa Anda akan kehilangan suara dan tidak akan pernah dapat berbicara lagi, maka kata   terakhir apa yang ingin Anda ucapkan?
Seorang laki-laki yang menderita kanker tenggorokan akan menjalani operasi yang akan menyelamatkan hidupnya, tetapi ia akan   kehilangan suaranya. Persis sebelum pembedahan dilakukan, ia meluangkan waktu bersama istrinya untuk menyatakan cintanya. Ia   melakukan hal yang sama kepada putrinya.
Kemudian, ia meminta dokter yang menanganinya untuk memberitahukan kapan persisnya obat bius akan membuatnya tidak sadarkan   diri. Ketika laki-laki tersebut berbaring tenang untuk tidur, ia kemudian berkata dengan sangat jelas, “Yesus! Yesus!” Itulah   kata terakhir yang dipilihnya untuk diucapkan di dalam hidup ini — “Yesus!”
Seberapa berartikah nama Yesus bagi kita? Nama-nama lain, seperti nama orang-orang yang kita cintai, jelas sangat besar   artinya. Akan tetapi, bagi kita yang ditebus oleh kasih karunia Allah, nama Yesus adalah nama yang paling berarti. Demikian   pula bagi Bapa surgawi kita. Bapa “sangat meninggikan Dia dan mengaruniakan kepada-Nya nama di atas segala nama, supaya dalam   nama Yesus bertekuk lutut segala yang ada … dan segala lidah mengaku, \’Yesus Kristus adalah Tuhan,\’ bagi kemuliaan Allah,   Bapa!” (Filipi 2:9-11).
Di sepanjang perjalanan sisa hidup kita dan sampai selama-lamanya, marilah kita mengagungkan nama yang ajaib, yaitu Yesus — VCG

Originally posted 2013-11-29 00:39:48.

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